José Montes

José Montes bailaor from El Duende Barcelona with nostalgic facial expression

He began his studies at the Professional Conservatory of Dance "Antonio Ruiz Soler" (Seville), graduating in the specialty of Spanish Dance. Subsequently, he became part of the Andalusian Dance Center, under the direction of Rubén Olmo. In 2019, he continued his academic training at the "Cristina Heeren" Flamenco and Art Foundation, having received scholarships for three consecutive years from the "Fundación Cajasol" and the "TreadRight Foundation". He has studied with a multitude of artists, including Javier Barón, Luisa Palicio, Antonio Molina "El Choro", María Moreno, Ana Morales, Pastora Galván, Eva Yerbabuena, Rafael Campallo among others.

He has toured countries such as France, Italy, Abu Dhabi, Austria, Morocco, and Mexico with companies and solo. He premiered his own show, "CIUDAD DE PLATA" in April 2021 in Seville and traveled with it to Vienna. That same year, together with "La Compañía B", he premiered the show "RECITAL" in the second cycle of the Flamenco Festival "Verde, que te quiero, verde" (Andorra) and was part of the artistic cast of the show "CON BATA Y MANTÓN" produced by the Cristina Heeren Foundation, premiered at the Teatro Real in Madrid.

He currently works at different tablaos such as: "Los Porches" (Madrid), "Casa del Arte" (Granada), Teatro Flamenco Triana (Seville), Tablao "Las Setas" (Seville), "Torres Bermejas" (Madrid), Tablao de Carmen (Barcelona), Palau Dalmases (Barcelona), City Hall (Barcelona), Jardines del Zoraya (Granada), La venta del Gallo (Granada), Tablao "Albaycin" (Granada), Flamenquería (Seville), "El callejón del embrujo" (Seville), Tablao "El Jaleo" (Córdoba), Sala "Baraka" (Seville).

He has performed different recitals at Peñas such as: "Torres Macarena" (Seville), Peña Flamenca "Curro de Utrera" (Seville), Peña Flamenca "Estepona" (Málaga), the Peña Flamenca "Manuel de Paula" (Estepa), Peña Flamenca "La Fragua" (Seville), Peña Flamenca de Moguer (Huelva) and the Flamenco Festival "Puerto Serrano" (Cádiz). In March 2020, he received the first prize of the IV Tablao Dance Contest "Ciudad de Jerez".